Final conference summary – GLOBALINTO Final Conference, Oslo, 28-29 April 2022

The final conference of the Horizon 2020 GLOBALINTO project was held on April 28 and 29 in Oslo as a hybrid event. The event included a review of key results from the project within intangibles measurement, analysis and policy, presentations by external experts and a policy panel discussion of key factors to support intangible investments and growth.

The final conference included the following presentations:

Thursday 28 April:

Sources of productivity growth I: intangible survey, by Hannu Piekkola, Tjasa Derek and Mojca Bavdaz.
Sources of Productivity Growth I: Pandemia and Lessons from Globalinto Intangibles Survey, by Yannis Caloghirou, Aimilia Protogerou, Tjasa Redek, Mojca Bavdaz and Hannu Piekkola.
The presentations discussed key findings from the GLOBALINTO Intangibles Assets Survey and the implications of the pandemic on the survey.

Sources of productivity growth II: industry and firm-level, by Hannu Piekkola, Aggelos Tsakanikas, Carter Bloch and Arvid Raknerud.
Integrating intangibles in global value chains: The Globalinto Input-Output Intangibles’ Database, by Aggelos Tsakanikas, Petros Dimas and Yannis Caloghirou.
Innovation driven productivity growth: the role of ICT capital and effective labour, by Arvid Raknerud and Marina Rybalka.
The presentations discussed new approaches for measuring intangibles at the firm level, methods to capture the impact of intangibles on productivity, the relationship between intangibles, innovation and global value chains and the role of ICT capital for labour productivity.

Intangible Capital and Labor Productivity Growth – Revisiting the Evidence: An Update, by Felix Roth. Felix Roth presented results of recent analysis in GLOBALINTO on the impact of intangible capital on labour productivity growth across countries at the aggregate and sectoral levels.

Living in an Ocean of Knowledge. Deflating Intangible Investment: Some New Ideas and Estimates, by Leonard Nakamura. The presentation discussed the difficulty of measuring the real value of outputs related to recent achievements from high technology firms.

Measurement of intangibles and possibilities to implement them in national accounts, by Marina Rybalka, Carter Bloch and Hannu Piekkola. The presentation presented the results of a comparison of measurements of R&D based on the GLOBALINTO approach with self-reported R&D expenditures from firms in applications for tax credits in Norway.

Friday 29 April:

Regional topics:
Productivity Growth and the Role of Intangibles in East Asian Countries, by Tsutomu Miyagawa. The presentation discussed productivity growth in East Asia.
Regional topics: Nordic contries and Slovenia, by Hannu Piekkola, Carter Bloch, Marina Rybalka and Arvid Raknerud. The presentation presented results for innovation-biased technological change within knowledge intensive services in Finland, Norway, Slovenia and Denmark.
GLOBALINTO Regional Analysis: France and Germany, by Ahmed Bounfour, Felix Roth and Alberto Nonnis. The presentation presented a comparison of intangibles investment and productivity for France and Germany.

From Diversity to Productivity and High Growth, by Carita Eklund, Kristof Van Criekingen and Carter Bloch. The presentation included the presentation of the results of two analyses. The first concerned the relation between gender balance and productivity and the second concerned the role of educational diversity for the propensity to become a gazelle among Danish firms.

Entrepreneurial talent and intangibles explaining high-growth firms, by Antti Norkio and Hannu Piekkola. The presentation presented the results of a study of entrepreneurial talent in driving firm growth.

Intangibles between the firm and the system. A Challenge for Policy, by Jakob Edler, Sarada Gadepalli, Joseph Lampel. The presentation discussed the dual nature of intangibles and how this can create tensions in policy goals.

An EU policy perspective on intangible investments, by Erik Canton. Erik Canton discussed the current status for innovation and intangible investments in the EU.

Read the full summary of the conference here.

Read the full conference agenda here.

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