Processing data and indicators
The objective of this WP is twofold: first, to prepare data and develop indicators for the measurement of intangible assets and other key variables for use in analysis of the relation between innovation, intangibles and productivity; second to involve National Statistical Institutes (NSIs) in the development of new indicators for the measurement of intangible assets (as well as the development of a relevant methodology) in order to allow for the diffusion of such new indicators and practices in official statistics at EU level. Objectives in this work package:
- Assess IA-related statistical activities undertaken by Statistical Institutes at the EU level.
- Use linked employer-employee data (LEED) to develop micro-level measures of intangible assets drawing on earlier work in the Innodrive project.
- Utilize a number of other data sources (R&D, innovation, ICT, human capital) to develop data and indicator sets that will facilitate analysis of main explanations behind the productivity puzzle.
- Develop industry-level measures of knowledge spillovers for use in analysis of the role of diffusion and globalisation on innovation and productivity growth.
- Construct different measures of productivity for use in analysis, drawing on state of the art in productivity measurement.
- Investigate the needs of producers and users of statistics through a focus group (involving Eurostat and delegates of a selection of European NSIs).
- Define scenarios for the implementation of new indicators and methods in the European Statistical System.
The working package is led by Aarhus University.