Gender and age productivity-wage gaps in innovative work (D5.10)
Deliverable on the gender and age-related productivity and wage gaps in innovative work
Using data provided by Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, this paper examines five research questions: what are (i) the gender wage gap, (ii) the age-related wage gap, (iii) the wage productivity gap, (iv) the age-related productivity gap, and finally (v) the gender and age-related productivity wage gap in innovative work. To examine age and gender differences, the paper defines 24 different groups of workers based on their age, gender, and the type of work performed (non-innovative work, organizational capital, innovative capital, information capital-related work).
The results show significant wage differentials in favor of men, except for women who are 50 years or older and belong to the innovative intangible capital group. The paper also finds that older workers, regardless of intangible capital type and gender, received higher wages.
Regarding gender differences in productivity, the results show that men who are under 30 and belong to the non-innovative labor group are on average more productive than women. However, the opposite is true in the information intangible capital labor group. Looking at the age productivity gap in the second (30-49 years) and third (50+) age groups for men, the paper finds that the age productivity gap has widened. Interestingly, the age productivity gap for non-innovative work is positive, implying that older male workers doing non-innovative work are more productive than their younger counterparts. The results are different for women. Here, older women are more productive on average, except for the age-related productivity gap in the first (under 30 years) and second age group in the innovation intangible capital group.
Gender productivity-wage gaps are generally negative, except for the gender productivity-wage gap in the first age group for the non-innovative group. This is mainly because the productivity gap is in favor of women, who appear to be more productive than men, once job type and age group are taken into account. The results also show a high age-productivity gaps for all age groups, regardless of gender and innovation type of work, except for women between second and third age groups.
See the paper here