Advisory Board

The advisory board of GLOBALINTO consists of:

  • Leonard Nakamura

    Vice president and Economist in Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, the USA
    Leonard Nakamura is specialized in financial institutions, monetary theory and industrial organization. He received a PhD degree from Princeton University in economics 1986.
  • Tsutomu Miyagawa

    Gakushuin University, Japan
    Professor Tsutomu Miyagawa’s research interests lie in productivity growth, competitiveness and intangible investments in Japan. His areas of expertise are macroeconomics, international macroeconomics, and the Japanese and Asian economies. He earned his PhD in 2006 from Hitotsubashi University.
  • Svein Olav Nås

    The Research Council of Norway and member of the OECD-NESTI working party.
    Svein Olav Nås has extensive experience in innovation economics. He is special advisor in the Research Council of Norway, Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research, and Research Council of Norway.
  • Marianne Paasi

    Marianne Paasi is an experienced innovation economist who has worked for research institutions, such as IWH and ifo in Germany and VATT in Finland and for the European Commission. She studied economics at the J.W.Goethe University and at the LSE. Presently she is Senior research associate at the TU Berlin, Chair of Innovation Economics.
  • Steinar Todsen

    Eurostat and Statistics Norway
    Steinar Todsen has extensive experience in national accounting from Statistics Norway, including work on capital measurement and growth accounting. He studied economics at the University of Oslo, and is currently a Seconded National Expert in Eurostat.